A podcast for people on the fence about having kids

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On the fence about having kids?

Join the club.

(we’re ambivalent, just like you) 

Sarah Dobson

Will I regret not having a baby?

I had always imagined that I’d have kids of my own. But in the way that a lot of people imagine something far off in the future.

You know: maybe someday.

But now I'm in my late thirties, and I'm grappling with the idea that I'll never be somebody's mother.

But what does that even mean?

What is it, exactly, that makes someone a mother, and how am I so sure that I’ll never be one?

What, exactly, am I giving up? I don’t know.

I have a lot of questions.

I want to know what it's like. I want to know how motherhood feels and how it changes you. I want to talk about the expectations we have for mothers and for people who choose not to become mothers. I want to talk about joy and tenderness and loneliness and frustration. I want to talk about freedom and sacrifice.

I want to talk about everything.

Maybe Someday is a podcast about figuring out what matters to us. It's about how we decide to live our lives. It's about the stories we tell to justify why we can, or can't, follow our dreams. It's about dealing with regret, disappointment, and loss when things don't work out as planned. 

It's about getting off the fence and choosing.

Listen to Season One of Maybe Someday—available wherever you get your podcasts. (Or, you know, right here.)